Wordle Today Answer


Sep 8, 2024

Adjective: (of a person) looking strained from illness, exhaustion, anxiety, or pain

Verb: produce (a picture or diagram) by making lines and marks on paper with a pencil, pen, etc.

Verb: pull or drag (something such as a vehicle) so as to make it follow behind

Verb: extract (an object, especially a weapon) from a container or receptacle

Verb: take or obtain (liquid) from a container or receptacle

Verb: be the cause of (a specified response)

Verb: select (a ticket or name) randomly to decide winners in a lottery, opponents in a sporting contest, etc.

Verb: finish (a contest or game) with an even score

Verb: disembowel

Verb: hit (the ball) so that it deviates slightly, usually as a result of spin

Verb: (of a ship) require (a specified depth of water) to float in

Verb: (of a sail) be filled with wind