Wordle Today Answer


Aug 4, 2024

Adjective: less high in position

Adjective: situated on less high land or towards the sea

Adjective: denoting an older (and hence usually deeper) part of a stratigraphic division or archaeological deposit or the period in which it was formed or deposited

Adverb: in or into a lower position

Verb: move (someone or something) in a downward direction

Verb: look angry or sullen; frown

Noun: a scowl

Adjective: of less than average height from top to bottom or to the top from the ground

Adjective: below average in amount, extent, or intensity

Adjective: ranking below other people or things in importance or class

Adjective: (of a sound or voice) not loud or high

Adjective: depressed or lacking in energy

Adverb: in or into a low position or state

Adverb: in a low voice or at a low pitch