Wordle Today Answer


Aug 3, 2024

Noun: each of the small, thin horny or bony plates protecting the skin of fish and reptiles, typically overlapping one another

Noun: a thick, dry flake of skin

Noun: a flaky covering or deposit

Verb: remove scale or scales from

Verb: (especially of the skin) form scales

Noun: an instrument for weighing, originally a simple balance (a pair of scales) but now usually a device with an electronic or other internal weighing mechanism

Noun: a large drinking container for beer or other alcoholic drink

Verb: weigh a specified weight

Noun: a graduated range of values forming a standard system for measuring or grading something

Noun: the relative size or extent of something

Noun: an arrangement of the notes in any system of music in ascending or descending order of pitch

Noun: a system of numerical notation in which the value of a digit depends upon its position in the number, successive positions representing successive powers of a fixed base

Noun: the range of exposures over which a photographic material will give an acceptable variation in density

Verb: climb up or over (something high and steep)

Verb: represent in proportional dimensions; reduce or increase in size according to a common scale

Verb: estimate the amount of timber that will be produced from (a log or uncut tree)