Wordle Today Answer


Dec 11, 2023

Noun: a building for human habitation, especially one that consists of a ground floor and one or more upper storeys

Noun: a building in which people meet for a particular activity

Noun: a religious community that occupies a particular building

Noun: a legislative or deliberative assembly

Noun: a style of electronic dance music typically having sparse, repetitive vocals and a fast beat

Noun: a twelfth division of the celestial sphere, based on the positions of the ascendant and midheaven at a given time and place, and determined by any of a number of methods

Adjective: (of an animal or plant) kept in, frequenting, or infesting buildings

Adjective: relating to a firm, institution, or society

Verb: provide with shelter or accommodation

Verb: provide space for; contain or accommodate

Verb: eat the whole of (something), typically very quickly