Wordle Today Answer


Dec 8, 2023

Adjective: (of an object) having an edge or point that is able to cut or pierce something

Adjective: producing a sudden, piercing physical sensation or effect

Adjective: distinct in outline or detail; clearly defined

Adjective: (of an action or change) sudden and marked

Adjective: having or showing speed of perception, comprehension, or response

Adjective: (of musical sound) above true or normal pitch

Adjective: (of clothes or their wearer) smart and stylish

Adverb: precisely (used after an expression of time)

Adverb: in a sudden or abrupt way

Adverb: above the true or normal pitch of musical sound

Noun: a musical note raised a semitone above natural pitch

Noun: a long, sharply pointed needle used for general sewing

Noun: a swindler or cheat

Verb: raise the pitch of (a note) by a semitone

Verb: cheat or swindle (someone), especially at cards