Wordle Today Answer


Sep 13, 2023

Adjective: easy to perceive, understand, or interpret

Adjective: (of a substance) transparent; unclouded

Adjective: free of any obstructions or unwanted objects

Adjective: not touching; away from

Adjective: complete; full

Adjective: denoting a palatalized form of the sound of the letter l (as in leaf in most accents of English)

Adverb: so as to be out of the way of or away from

Adverb: completely

Verb: remove an obstruction or unwanted item or items from

Verb: remove (an obstruction or unwanted item) from somewhere

Verb: get past or over (something) safely or without touching it

Verb: officially show or declare (someone) to be innocent

Verb: give official approval or authorization to

Verb: earn or gain (an amount of money) as a net profit