Wordle Today Answer


May 1, 2023

Noun: the area of variation between upper and lower limits on a particular scale

Noun: a set of different things of the same general type

Noun: the distance within which a person can see or hear

Noun: a line or series of mountains or hills

Noun: a large area of open land for grazing or hunting

Noun: a large cooking stove with burners or hotplates and one or more ovens, all of which are kept continually hot

Noun: a row of buildings, or a continuous stretch of a building

Noun: the direction or position in which something lies

Verb: vary or extend between specified limits

Verb: place or arrange in a row or rows or in a specified manner

Verb: place oneself or be placed in opposition to (a person or group)

Verb: (of a person or animal) travel or wander over a wide area

Verb: obtain the range of a target by adjustment after firing past it or short of it, or by the use of radar or laser equipment

Adjective: (of a person or their lifestyle) orderly; settled