Wordle Today Answer


Apr 20, 2023

Noun: a flat dish, typically circular and made of china, from which food is eaten or served

Noun: dishes, bowls, cups, and other utensils made of gold, silver, or other metal

Noun: a thin, flat sheet or strip of metal or other material, typically one used to join or strengthen things or forming part of a machine

Noun: a thin, flat organic structure or formation

Noun: each of the several rigid pieces of the earth's lithosphere which together make up the earth's surface

Noun: a sheet of metal, plastic, or other material bearing an image of type or illustrations from which multiple copies are printed

Noun: a thin piece of plastic moulded to the shape of a person's mouth and gums, to which artificial teeth or another orthodontic appliance are attached

Noun: a thin piece of metal that acts as an electrode in a capacitor, battery, or cell

Verb: cover (a metal object) with a thin coating of a different metal

Verb: serve or arrange (food) on a plate or plates

Verb: score or cause to score (a run or runs)

Verb: inoculate (cells or infective material) on to a culture plate, especially with the object of isolating a particular strain of microorganisms or estimating viable cell numbers