Wordle Today Answer


Feb 27, 2023

Adjective: of poorer quality or lower standard; less good or desirable

Adjective: more ill or unhappy

Adverb: less well or skilfully

Noun: a more serious or unpleasant event or situation

Adjective: of poor quality or a low standard

Adjective: not such as to be hoped for or desired; unpleasant or unwelcome

Adjective: failing to conform to standards of moral virtue or acceptable conduct

Adjective: (of a part of the body) injured, diseased, or painful

Adjective: (of food) decayed; putrid

Adjective: regretful, guilty, or ashamed about something

Adjective: worthless; not valid

Adjective: good; excellent

Adverb: in an unsatisfactory, inadequate, or unsuccessful way

Adverb: used to emphasize the seriousness of an unpleasant event or action

Adverb: in a guilty or regretful way