Wordle Today Answer


Jan 19, 2022

Noun: the tapered, sharp end of a tool, weapon, or other object

Noun: a dot or other punctuation mark, in particular a full stop

Noun: a particular spot, place, or position in an area or on a map, object, or surface

Noun: a single item or detail in an extended discussion, list, or text

Noun: (in sports and games) a mark or unit of scoring awarded for success or performance

Noun: each of thirty-two directions marked at equal distances round a compass

Noun: a socket in a wall for connecting a device to an electrical supply or communications network

Noun: a narrow piece of land jutting out into the sea

Noun: a junction of two railway lines, with a pair of linked tapering rails that can be moved laterally to allow a train to pass from one line to the other

Noun: a unit of measurement for type sizes and spacing (in the UK and US 0.351 mm, in Europe 0.376 mm)

Noun: a fielding position on the off side near the batter

Noun: (in a motor vehicle) each of a set of electrical contacts in the distributor

Noun: a small leading party of an advanced guard of troops

Noun: the extremities of an animal, typically a horse or cat, such as the face, paws, and tail of a Siamese cat

Noun: a spot to which a straight run is made

Noun: a tagged piece of ribbon or cord used for lacing a garment or attaching a hose to a doublet

Noun: a short piece of cord at the lower edge of a sail for tying up a reef

Noun: the action or position of a dog in pointing

Noun: an important phrase or subject, especially in a contrapuntal composition

Verb: direct someone's attention towards something by extending one's finger or something held in one's hand

Verb: give force or emphasis to (words or actions)

Verb: extend (the toes or feet) in line with the leg by tensing the foot and ankle in such a way as to form a point

Verb: fill the joints of (brickwork or masonry) with smoothly finished mortar

Verb: give a sharp, tapered point to

Verb: insert points in (written text of Semitic languages)