Wordle Today Answer


Sep 6, 2021

Noun: the side or part of an object that presents itself to view or that is normally seen or used first; the most forward part of something

Noun: the foremost line or part of an armed force; the furthest position that an army has reached and where the enemy is or may be engaged

Noun: an appearance or form of behaviour assumed by a person to conceal their genuine feelings

Noun: boldness and confidence of manner

Noun: a person's face or forehead

Adjective: of or at the front

Adjective: (of a vowel sound) formed by raising the tongue, excluding the blade and tip, towards the hard palate

Verb: (of a building or piece of land) have the front facing or directed towards

Verb: provide (something) with a front or facing of a particular type or material

Verb: lead or be the most prominent member in (an organization, group, or activity)

Verb: act as a front or cover for illegal or secret activity

Verb: make an appearance; turn up

Verb: articulate (a vowel sound) with the tongue further forward

Verb: place (a sentence element) at the beginning of a sentence instead of in its usual position, for emphasis or as a feature of some dialects, as in horrible it was